Friday, September 30, 2011

Period 2 - Team Games

Due Date: Thursday, October 13th

Based on the different invasion games you are learning and participating in during this unit (flag football, basketball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee) please expalin three similarities between the sports we have done?


Anonymous said...

1.that all need team work
2.they also need to talk to each other.
3.they also pass to another person.

-samuel perez

Anonymous said...

Sam Burkinshaw

One similarity between ultimate frisbee and flag football is that they both have an endzone where you score. Another similarity is you play with your hands for both ulimate frisbee and flag football. The last similarity between flag football and ultimate frisbee is that you both throw it down field.

Anonymous said...

Zachary Korn
1. the goal is to score points by getting the ball/Frisbee into the endzone/goal
2. When the other team hits the ball/Frisbee it is theirs
3. The team with the highest score wins

Anonymous said...

Michael Lui
Based on the different invasion games you are learning and participating in during this unit (flag football, basketball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee) please expalin three similarities between the sports we have done?
-Requires Offence/defence
-Requires a ball/object to go into a designated spot
-requires use of body parts(throwing, kicking, catching)

Anonymous said...

Alex Pollack

Similarities for basketball, ultimate Frisbee, and flag football, include a team, a goal of trying to get the ball/ Frisbee somewhere (in a hoop or in the end zone), and they require a ball and a field or court

E Gunnarsson said...

Erik Gunnarsson

One similarity is that you have to mark up man-to-man. one person has to cover another on the opposing team. Another similarity is that each team has a clear cut goal. its not just to beat the other team, rather get it into the endzone, or into the goal, or into the basket. Its not like volleyball, where there are multiple ways to score, but in these games there is just one way. The last similarity is that there is a timelimit. unlike volleyball or tennis, where you win by reaching a certain score, in the games in this unit, you win by having more points than the other team when the time runs out.

Anonymous said...

The point of flag football, basketball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee is to score on the enemy/opponent teams side (and to have fun). For example, In flag foot ball you must run or catch in the endzone to score. In ultimate frisbee you must catch the frisbee in your enemy's endzone. In soccer you must shoot the ball (with your leg) at your opponent's goal and basketball you shoot at your opponents hoop to score points.

Also these sports are the same the same because they have teams and they are therefore games that all require teamwork!

these sports are not only attacking but defending you must defend your side from the enemy. You can intercept the ball or frisbee during an opponent's pass

Seran Navaratnam
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Sam Harrison

1. All require teamwork
2. In flag football and ultimate frisbee, there is an endzone to score in
3. In flag football and ultimate frisbee, you throw off the frisbee to the opposing team

kevinyichen said...

Yi Chen

1)They have to get more score to win.

2)They have to work with teamate.

3)If the ball(or freesbe)fall down or fall out side,another team will get the ball

Anonymous said...

Jared Welsh-

1-they all require an offense and defense.
2-none are (supposed to be) physical games.
3-they all require teamwork.

Anonymous said...

Ernest Duran

1. The team with the highest points wins

2. They all require teamwork

3. All require an object to use to get into the goal/endzone/hoop

Anonymous said...

Ernest Duran

1. The team with the highest points wins

2. They all require teamwork

3. All require an object to use to get into the goal/endzone/hoop

Johan Raphael said...

1. Passing in all these sports and knowing when the ball or frisbee is being passed to you is key to winning a game.

2. Also knowing when to throw the frisbee or football into the endzone needs timing, precision, and communication.

3. Finally, making sure to look for an open player. For they need to be able to catch and avoid the other team catching your throws

Anonymous said...

Alex Murk pd.2 dyer

There are many similarities between flag football and ultimate frisbee. One in flag football and frisbee you need to get in an endzone to score. Two in flag football and frisbee you need to gaurd man to man on defense. Three in falg and frisbee you need to catch the ball or discus to win.

Anonymous said...

Vikram Pothuri

All of these games require you to score in a goal or endzone. They also require the members of the team to work together on both offense and defense.

Anonymous said...

Mona Abutaleb
three similarities between the in vasion games we have been participating in ( flag football, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee) are:

1.they all need team work. You can not complete any of these without working together with your team.

2.they all have some sort of goal you are trying to reach. flag football and ultimate frisbee both have endzones where you score, basketball you score in a basket, and soccer you score in a goal.

3.they all require defense/offense to win the game.

Anonymous said...

Arda Sahiner

Both ultimate frisbee and flag football have end zones which you need to score points. In both, you use an object that you throw but is not a conventional round ball. They are also both team sports, and one individual does not win the game.

Anonymous said...

Alex Mazze

1. All of these sports require team work.
2. The goal of all of these sports is to advance the ball (or frisbee) to a certain area of the field. When a team manages to get to this area of the field, they are awarded points.
3. When the ball or frisbee goes out of bounds or is dropped, the play is over and the next play begins.

Anonymous said...

Chris Clocker
1. Cooperation
2. Ability to analyze and react to situations quickly
3. highest score wins

Anonymous said...

Rachael Zehrung

Flag football and ultimate frisbee have several things in common. Both sports have an endzone for scoring, are played on a field of equal distance, and require the object to be "thrown off" to the other team so the game may begin.

Anonymous said...

Austin Marks
Let me tell you a little something about how to play these games,
First... You gotta yell at the freshman because they are freshmen, and that gets them pumped up
2nd... you gotta throw whatever "rock" you have as far as possible and hope that someone catches it
3rd... try to have kids that can already play these games pretty well on your team so that you will win all the time

Anonymous said...

Evan Treworgy

1. passing
2. communication
3. you always score at the opposite end of the feild/court

Sang Park said...

Sang Park
1. It's a point if the ball or frisbee gets to the endzone.
2. Each man has to mark one man so they can't catch the ball.
3. Sportsmanship and teamwork is needed to have a good game.

Anonymous said...

Josh Lasday
Football and ultimate frisbee are similar in three main ways. First, they both are based around two teams trying to get into the End-zone. Second, they both have a team trying to keep the other team out of the End-zone (defense) and a team trying to get into the End-zone (offense). Last, they both include passing an object within the teams.

Anonymous said...

1. all have teamwork
2. score the most points to win
3. an object is involved in scoring (ball, frisbee)


Anonymous said...

Mattin Gharagozloo

1. Definetly teamwork and communication.
2. Highest scoring team wins.
3. Theres always a timelimit in all sports

Anonymous said...

Michael Keane
1. They all have offense and defense
2. You score points in all of them
3. They all require team work

Anonymous said...

Leigh Alkis
1. Both flag football and frisbee have endzones,soccer has goals, and basketball has baskets, in order to score.
2. All of the sports including passing to teammates.
3.When the ball/frisbee is stolen there is a change in possesion.

Anonymous said...

Emily Hong
Flag football, basketball, ultimate frisbee, and soccer have many similar things. First, they are all team games, meaning that you have to work with your teammates. Also, they all have an object, either a ball or a frisbee, that needs to get to the endzone,hoop, or a goal. Finally, they all involve defense or offense in order to invade the opponent's space or to block the other team from scoring.

Anonymous said...

They all need teamwork, communication, and scoring. There is also offense and defense in all games.
Also there are two teams that compete against each other.
The team with most points at the end of the game wins.


Anonymous said...

1. these games are to score at the opposite team's goal or hoop or endzone
2.these games requires teamwork
3.ball hogging will not work
David Li

Anonymous said...

There are many simularitys between the team games we have played, for example football and frisbee both include end zones, all of the games we have played have involved sport objects, such as a (football). Brett Gober. Luvv u miss dyer

Anonymous said...

Harrison Linowes
1.)all the sports have an endzone
2.)all the sports have teams
3.)all the sports use an object to throw

Andy Carrion said...

1) They both have endzones
2) They both can have interceptions
3) They both incorperate team work in order to win

Anonymous said...

Steven Scherer
1. They all require running and a lot of coordination
2. They all require a team to work together
3. They all have an endzone/goal/hoop in which points are scored

Anonymous said...

Jason Hall
While flag football and ultimate frisbee are very different, there are a few similarities. For one, the objective is to get an object (the Frisbee or football) into the opposing team’s end zone. Another similarity is found in the most basic facet of both sports; you are throwing an object to other players. A final similarity is that interceptions result in turnovers to the other team.
Jason Hall

Anonymous said...

James Levy

Ultimate frisbee & flag football

-both require teams and teamwork
-both win by having the higher score
-both score by getting into the end-zone