Friday, February 25, 2011

Period 1 Advanced Basketball

Due Date: Thursday, March 10th

Please make sure to put your first and last name on your blog.

We are currently in our 2 on 2 unit. At the beginning of this unit we spent several days working on post moves and focusing on a post-wing game. Based on what you have learned, how is your team's post game during game play? Do you think this is affecting your win/loss record? Why?

Period 2 General PE

Due Date: Thursday, March 10th

Watch 10-15 minutes of an NHL Game. After watching the game write 5 complete sentences about what you saw. In your response include what game you watched, concepts we have discussed in class that you saw in the game, and your reaction to the gameplay. Below is a link to the full playoff schedule.

Period 4 Basketball

Due Date: Thursday, March 10th

Please make sure to put your first and last name on your blog.

We are currently in our 2 on 2 unit. At the beginning of this unit we spent several days working on post moves and focusing on a post-wing game. Based on what you have learned, how is your team's post game during game play? Do you think this is affecting your win/loss record? Why?

Period 5 Basketball

Due Date: Thursday, March 10th

Please make sure to put your first and last name on your blog.

We are currently in our 2 on 2 unit. At the beginning of this unit we spent several days working on post moves and focusing on a post-wing game. Based on what you have learned, how is your team's post game during game play? Do you think this is affecting your win/loss record? Why?

Period 7 General PE

Due Date: Thursday, March 10th


Please answer the following questions. Number your answers and include your full name at the end.

All questions pertain to Double Badminton.

True or False

1. Serves must be served underhand.

2. A doubles game is to 21 points, win by 2.

3. You only score when you serve.

4. If your team has an odd score the person on the right sserves and an even score the person on the left serves.

5. The receiving team should stand side to side and the serving team should stand front to back.

6. The serve must be served diagonal, opposite the server.

7. If neither teams gets a 2 point advantage the game stops at 35.

8. When the game starts, each player for the serving team serves until they lose a point.

9. If the birdie hits the boundary line it is considered good or "in".

10. A player may not touch the net with his/her racket, body, or clothing

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Period 1 Advanced Basketball

Due Date: Tuesday, February 22nd

Basketball history and rules quiz. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Each question is worth 2 points.

1. Who invented the game of basketball and where was it invented?

2. In high school basketball, how long may a defensive player stand in the paint without guarding anyone?

3. How many total players are on the basketball court at one time during a high school regulation game?

4. What position does a smart offensive player always get in when they catch the ball?

5. Name and explain 2 moves that we worked on in class to attack the basket and get past the defense. When would you use this move?

Period 2 General PE

Due Date: Tuesday, February 22nd

We are currently in our basketball 3 on 3 unit. Based on your own basketball experiences, as well as what you have learned so far in class, what are three strengths that your 3 on 3 team must possess to be successful? Why?

Period 4 Basketball

Due Date: Tuesday, February 22nd

Basketball history and rules quiz. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Each question is worth 2 points.

1. Who invented the game of basketball and where was it invented?

2. In high school basketball, how long may a defensive player stand in the paint without guarding anyone?

3. How many total players are on the basketball court at one time during a high school regulation game?

4. What position does a smart offensive player always get in when they catch the ball?

5. Name and explain 2 moves that we worked on in class to attack the basket and get past the defense. When would you use this move?

Period 5 Basketball

Due Date: Tuesday, February 22nd

Basketball history and rules quiz. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Each question is worth 2 points.

1. Who invented the game of basketball and where was it invented?

2. In high school basketball, how long may a defensive player stand in the paint without guarding anyone?

3. How many total players are on the basketball court at one time during a high school regulation game?

4. What position does a smart offensive player always get in when they catch the ball?

5. Name and explain 2 moves that we worked on in class to attack the basket and get past the defense. When would you use this move?

Period 7 General PE

Due Date: Tuesday, February 22nd

We are currently in our basketball 3 on 3 unit. Based on your own basketball experiences, as well as what you have learned so far in class, what are three strengths that your 3 on 3 team must possess to be successful? Why?