Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Period 3 Team Games

Due Date: Wednesday, May 12th

We are currently in our floor hockey unit which is an invasion game. Explain how maintaining possession of the puck and creating space is important to your teams success. If you don't think it is important explain why.


Anonymous said...

Controlling the puck and creating space is essential to winning a game of floor hockey. If your team does not have possession of the puck you possibly will not have many chances to score. Also, creating space is also extremely important as it will give your teamates enough space to take a shot. Creating space also gives more opportunities to move into the space and create more offensive attacks

-Mark Wong

Gus Mondelo said...

Maintaining possession of the puck and creating space is a key part to your teams success. Maintaining possession is important, because if your team maintains possession, then the other team will not have the opportunity to score, creating space is also an important aspect of succeeding because if the opposing team covers all of your players, you wont be able to pass and therefore wont be able to score.

Aaron Tian said...

Maintaining possession of the puck is extremely important, because floor hockey is a hectic game and ultimatelly it comes down to whoever has the puck more scores more. I do not think spacing is that important because the play area is very small and overloading the front of the goal with players on either offense or defense seems to be affective. I can't apply these strategies becaue I'm injured but it seemed to work in the games that I watched.

-Aaron Tian

Anonymous said...

Sam Cheng
the more time we have with the puck, the more chances we have to score. Creating space is important and the best way is to work together to draw the defense away from the person receiving the puck and assist the person to help score.

Anonymous said...

Maintaing possession of the puck and creating space are extremely important to a teams success in floor hockey because it gives you a better chance for an open shot or to pass to a teammate.

-Danielle Koval

Anonymous said...

AManda Steinberg -
During floor hockey, keeping possession of the puck while creating space is essential to winning. If everyone on the team crowds the ball, it is easier for the defenders on the opposing team because while everyone is bunched up they have a better opportunity of stealing the ball. But if everyone spreads out, there are more passing lanes and it is harder for the defense as it is easier to move the puck from person to person quickly.

Anonymous said...

for our team it is not that important because our ultimate strategy is the 2 man defense and random shooting when we get in close range to the goal. we have a little bit of possession by Daniel but that is all.
-Artur Alexiuc

Kyle MacIntyre said...

In floor hockey it is key to maintain possession of the puck to create opportunities and hold on to the puck so the other team can't score. The best is defense is a good offense. It is also important to create space for people to move into and create scoring opportunities.

Anonymous said...

i think that posessing the ball and making space is very important because the goaly is off-guard when the ball is passed so he is less likely to stop the puck. Today in our game we scored very many easy goals by passing the ball to someone in the corner and then they pass it to the man in the middle and they shoot it before the goaly is ready.
-Ted Falk

Unknown said...

Maintaining possesion of the puck is important because it confuses the defense and creates openings to score goals.

Daniel N

Anonymous said...

Mantaining possession of the puck is very important because whoever has the ball has more chances of scoring and winning. When space is created then their is more chance of maintaing the puck and scoring. If we mantain possession and create space we are going to win.

Daniel Pedraza

Anonymous said...

I don't think that it is really important because if the other team makes a mistake on offense then you can be on a breakaway, without having much possession.
Evan Smith

John Park said...

pass the puck to our team is more important than possessing puck I think. I can tell our teammates have really good passing skills. As a result, we almost won. So, I think possessing puck is not important.However, I agree with creating space. It makes more easier to shoot the puck.
- John Park

Anonymous said...

During floor hockey, keeping the puck while creating space is essential to winning. If everyone on the team crowds the ball, it is easier for the defenders on the opposing team because while everyone is bunched up they have a better opportunity of stealing the ball. But if everyone spreads out, there are more passing lanes and it is harder for the defense as it is easier to move the puck from person to person quickly.
~Kevin Stryapko

Anonymous said...

it is important to maintain posession of the puck and pass it to create chances to score. It is important to create space for your team so the puck can be passed around and someone could get an open shot.

Sam Lansat

Anonymous said...

We can controlling the puck through using the stick also we can maintaning the ball by using the stick. and we can create space through appropriate pass and that is support for teams win

kyoseok Lee

alex hahn said...

Maintaining possesion of the puck is important because as long as you have the puck, there is no way the other team can score since they dont have the puck. Creating space is important because it makes room to make offensive plays without the other team near you.

Anonymous said...

These two things are both very important. Without the puck in your hands you cant score. Without space you cant score accuartly. Without these two things you can not win the game.

-Daniel Gunin

Travis Mays said...

It is important to maintain possession of the puck because if you never have possession of the puck then it'm almost impossible to score. Its important to create space so that the deffense is spread out and so there is more room for shooting and passing.

Unknown said...

maintaining control and possession of the puck is important in floor hockey. without posession you probably wont score a goal and it is important to create space so you have space to pass to eachother quickly and run out the other team to make a play and score.
-kayli modell

Anonymous said...

Maintaining possession of the puck increases your chances of scoring. By creating space allows more passes creating more confusion for the goalie, helping you score easier.

Katharine Kong

Anonymous said...

Tammy Pan

Maintaining the puck and creating space is important to win a game.
Maintaining the puck is essential because if a team doesnt have the puck a lot, then they may not be able to score as often as the other team. Creating space is important because it allows you to pass easier and creates more space.

Trey Troxell said...

Maintaning the puck can be very important to give you opportunities to take shots and creating space is important because you can make better passes and take shots and get more opportunities

Zoryann Rodriguez said...

Keeping possession of the puck,you are creating space is essential to winning.If your team don't have this they goin to have a hard timeto scor,abd yes you need it for score.

Zoryann Rodz:)

Anonymous said...

Mitchell Bridge

Creating space is important to a team's success in floor hockey because it allows you to pass or shoot the puck without being intercepted by the other team. Maintaining possession of the puck is also important to a team's success in floor hockey because it allows the team to take more shots, and keeps the puck away from the other team-giving them a lesser chance to score.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Hart

In floor hockey maintaining possession of the puck is needed for winning. If everyone is in a small space, the puck will have more chance of being stolen by the defenders. But if everyone backs off the puck, passing lanes open up and the defense will be more spread out, opening scoreing lanes.

Anonymous said...

Keeping possession of the puck is what you need to win. people need to spread out so you can get good passes in and have a good shot of scoring. If people all crowd together, its just a free for all and you can't do anything.
michael dwyer

Unknown said...

Eh, this is probably too late. *Sigh*
Tiffany Zhang
Maintaining possession of the puck and creating space is important to the team's success because if one does not have the possession of the puck and does not have space to shoot, one cannot score a goal. Also, if the team does not have the puck, the other team has the chance of scoring.