Thursday, May 21, 2015

Period 7- Basketball

Due Date: Wednesday, June 3rd

It has been a great semester in all of my classes.

For your final blog I want to know how I can be a better teacher. Please answer the following questions for your final blog.
1. What did you like most about the class?
2. What did you like least about the class?
3. How did you like the use of the blog in class?
4. What would you change to make your experience in physical education better?
5. Will you take a physical education class again?

Your response will have no implications for your final grade other than if you fail to do it, so please be honest as your responses help form what we do in the future. It has been a pleasure working with each of you this past semester. Stop in and say hi when your travels bring you by the gym.


Anonymous said...

True Martin
1.Playing basketball
2.The people
3.Its ight
4.Nothing im finessin 100
5.Nah fam

Anonymous said...

1.Playing games
3.the use of the blogs helps me get better as a player
Charlie Zhang

Anonymous said...

Young Kim (YG KIMCHI)
1) I liked listening to Ms. Dyer's very unique playlist and having Free Friday.
2) I hated how we had to sit down on the three point line at first before we could play.
3)I do like the blogs, but I did not enjoy the blogs that required us to read a whole big article.
4)I would like it if we could start playing right away even if Ms. Dyer comes late, so that we can have the most playing time as possible.
5)No, I will not take PE until college. This is since PE will not help my HS curriculum beside earning me a mandatory required credit to graduate, but I did very much enjoy this class.


"I am EASILY the best shooter in the..." -jERRY mi #jerrymiSWAG

Anonymous said...

Michael Lu

1) You helped us improve in basketball and gave us instruction on new moves.

2) Nothing really. Everything turned out fine.

3) A blog is a great idea and gets us to learn more about basketball, but I sometimes forget to do them.

4) Taking time to teach each person individually more while we are doing our warm-up.

5) I would want to take it again, but I have to make room for other classes.

Anonymous said...

1. That we got to play basketball everyday
2. Having to change everyday
3. Its helpful
4. Nothing everything was fine
5. No
Shayna Golfer

Anonymous said...

1.) I liked being able to play a lot of basketball everyday with my friends and having a lot of fun. I also liked the tournaments which added a competitive aspect to the class.
2.) What I did not like was that there weren't that many balls in the gym which made it hard to play a game or shoot around because I did not have a ball.
3.) I liked the use of the blog, even though sometimes it would be hard to remember to do them, because it was a good way to teach the students about the fundamentals of basketball.
4.) I would not really change anything because overall I thought it was a fun experience and would recommend it to someone to take.
5.) I will not take a physical education class again because I do not have space for it in my schedule.

- Andy Xiao

Anonymous said...

1. What I like most about the class is just playing basketball with other people
2. What I hated the most was doing the blogs
3. The blogs were pointless
4. add a one on one unit
5. probably not

-Patrick Chen

Anonymous said...

-Edward Xiao
1. The part I liked most about PE class was how we got to play basketball everyday
2. The part I least liked was that during season games for our units even if there were open baskets and teams had to play we didn't play at those open baskets.
3. I liked the use of the blogs because it was basically free points
4. I would change the amount of games we played to make my experience better
5. I would like to take PE again, but I don't know if my schedule will have enough room.

Francis Gomez said...

1)Playing games
2)The length of the warm-ups
3)I hated it because it brought my grade down
4)Less time doing the warm-ups

Anonymous said...

1.I liked playing 3v3
2. I did not like 5v5
3. The blogs weren't very helpful
4. I would like more variety minigmes
5.Probably not

Noah Griff

Anonymous said...

1. Playing basketball with friends.
2. Nothing
3. I liked it
4. Nothing
5. Yes

Thomas Nguyen

Aaron Zheng said...

1. Free friday and the 5v5
2. 1v1 and also unbalanced teams
3. It helped to teach stuff that we didn't have time to learn during class
4. More 5v5 times, less warmup time, teacher coming in earlier
5. I would like to if my schedule allowed it

Unknown said...

1. the energy
2. its kind of slow sometimes
3. its good because it gets your grade up
4. more time to play
5. yes
Sam Alborta

Anonymous said...

1) Ms. Dyer
2)Some of the kids in the class
3)I don't really have an opinion on the blogs. Prob cause i barely even did them.
4)Try harder
5)Most likely not.


Unknown said...

1 playingf with friends
2 5v5 and sitting on the 3pt line
3 meh the blogs were ok, just annoying because i would forget them. I learned stuff from college basketball though.
4 its ok
5 nope
Andres Cisneros

Anonymous said...

1. playing basketball
2. waiting for class to start
3. i didnt like it at all
4. no having to wait for you to start class
5. yeah just for the basketball
-max ramsay

Anonymous said...

1) 3 on 3
2) selfish teammates
3) it was decent
4) class starting earlier..
5) yeah i love gym class but the teachers are...something else
~ Adrian Guerra

Anonymous said...

1. Making young Kim fall
2. You bullying me
3. Great articles
4. Actual championship games
5. Nah fam I'm good
Hyacinth Tha God

Anonymous said...

1. Playing basketball everyday
2. Waiting for class to start everyday
3. I didn't like them
4 less warmup, more playing
5. No I don't think I'll be taking gym again.

Alex Adkins

Anonymous said...

1. My favorite part of class was playing basketball everyday and working on my game.
2. Young Kim... Jk mostly what i didn't like was people who don't pass.
3. The blog is fine.
4. More time to work on shooting and passing.
5. Im='m taking basketball again next year so yes I would.

Anonymous said...

1.playing basketball everyday
2.the long warm ups
3.the blogs are fine just that sometimes that articles are very long.
4.less warm ups more playing

Anonymous said...

That last one that has no name is Satoshi sato

Anonymous said...

1. We play basketball everyday
2. How short our playing time was
3.I dont like the blogs because i always forget to do them
4.change for class more
5.yes i already signed up for basketball next year
Joseph Montesano

Anonymous said...

1. My favorite part about this class was being able to play basketball every day
2. I had no least favorite part about this class
3. The blogs were easy to forget to do and get in on time
4. I have nothing to change about this class
5. I am signed up for soccer next year
Sebastian Ludlow

Anonymous said...

1. My favorite part about this class was being able to play basketball every day
2. I had no least favorite part about this class
3. The blogs were easy to forget to do and get in on time
4. I have nothing to change about this class
5. I am signed up for soccer next year
Sebastian Ludlow