Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Period 7 Basketball

Due Date: Wednesday, April 11th

For this weeks post I want to get more philosophical. Read the essay below, it was written by a guy named Blair Morrison and touches on the question of; are you pushing yourself or just getting by? You can find more of his essays here.

For this weeks blog. First, tell me what the essay means to you. Do you agree or disagree? You can include where you think you fall in his 90% to 10% example and/or examples of what you do that place you in that category.

Fitness Is...


Everybody has it. Few reach it.

It’s easy to assume that people despise mediocrity because the world is littered with evidence of humanity’s desire to excel—our obsession with talent, our reverence for heroes, even our love of money. It’s easy to assume that everyone wants to be his or her physical best because everywhere there are those wishing for a better body type or a better lifestyle. They fill our virgin ears with a symphony of sincerity and aspiration, but listen closer. They clamor with empty voices.

The truth is that 90% of people just want to get by. We pretend our ultimate goal is to be the best version of ourselves, reading the right literature, quoting the right sources, joining the right gyms; but the reality is far less compelling. If we are truly honest we will admit that the level to which we might possibly rise is rarely our chief concern. More important is reaching the level where we can merely survive or, at the very least, mock survival. Getting there is much easier. Getting there requires less time, less pain, and less effort. Getting there is too often there enough.

I was speaking with my father the other day about a friend of ours whose son wanted to be a college football player. He had good size and natural talent, but he was a little slow and lacked the explosive quality most big programs look for in an athlete. One evening while having dinner with this family my dad suggested that the kid hang a bell at the top of the hill abutting their property and ring it every morning before going to school. Not only would sprinting up the hill begin to build the explosive power needed for speed and acceleration but the sound of the bell would become a symbol of his dedication to the goal. I wish I could say the kid went out and rang that bell every day, or committed himself to some other program in its place, but this isn’t that kind of story. He, like many others like him, chose instead to remain a card-carrying member of that mediocre 90%.

Why? Because greatness is HARD. Our bodies don’t care about potential. They were built to survive, not to excel, and survival has gotten pretty easy as of late. Our bodies don’t know that by being stronger and faster and leaner the likelihood of illness, disease, and injury drop dramatically. Our bodies only know that it hurts like hell getting there. It takes supreme physical and mental fortitude and an unflinching, genuine ambition to overcome these hurdles. Most of us lack this and it shows.

In this story his ability wasn’t being measured against theirs or any others, only against his own potential as an individual. He claimed that he wanted to be the best that he could be, to give himself the best chance to be a college football player. But when faced with the reality of what it would take to reach that goal he balked, exposing his ambitions as half-hearted and insincere, and his athletic future to be one ridden along the tired road to the middle. This is an all too common tragedy.

After hearing this story, I sat for a minute and observed my father. He was visibly disappointed by the kid’s inability to commit himself to his goal. Yet I knew for a fact that my dad had wanted to lose weight for years and failed to commit himself to doing so in much the same way. This struck me as a prevailing irony, not just in this conversation but in our culture in general, so I decided to ask him when was the last time he “rang the bell.” He was lost for a second, then smiled wryly as he got my meaning. “Too long,” he replied.

Sadly, it seems that our praise of greatness and our distaste for mediocrity is an appreciation and expectation reserved for others. We expect Jordan or Tiger or Ronaldo to reach their potential every time they compete and we shake our heads when they fall short. But we shrug off our love handles and that occasional chocolate cake as acceptable losses. We cry for the children growing up without physical opportunities, yet lie on the couch and amicably waste ours away. We claim we’re too old, too fat, too injured, or too tired. The truth is we’re too obsessed with getting by.

The good news is that physical potential does not expire. It has no shelf life. Whatever state you’re in at whatever moment, you can always be better. SO BE BETTER. Too often people try to do this by setting a number to hit, a person to beat, or a mirror to impress, implicitly attaching a finite quality to the process. This focus is flawed. As you change and improve, so too should your potential grow and your ambition swell. Remember that fitness is a goal inadvertently attained through the systematic overestimation of yourself in all fields. It’s a byproduct of setting the bar too high, of striving for perfection and falling just short. It’s knowing that you’ll never get there but trying your damndest nonetheless. It’s constantly pushing your limits in every direction regardless of your skill. It’s finding a way to keep ringing the bell.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the essay mostly, but i think the percent should be at about 85%, not as high as 90 though. I think I'm part of the 90% because I do not challenge myself physically often and do not work hard often.

Raz R.

Anonymous said...

Kwame Frimpong

I agree with this article because most people dont live to thier full potential because they rely on their talent.
I think that i in about the 50% percentile range because i have potential but i dont work hard enough.

Anonymous said...

Albert Millard
period 7
I concur that most people are comfortable with meteocrity . Greatness must be practiced habitually and a person must have the desire to achieve greatness. Honestly, I try to become great and am upset with metroecrity, it becomes boring and everyone wants to be the best at everything they put their attention to.

Anonymous said...

YoungSung Hong
I really like this essay and its a valuable life lesson that I have learned through my life.I believe this applies to my life, but especially in this class. Sometimes I want to be lazy when we are not playing tournament games in our class. But I always remind myself that if I don't push myself harder now I will never get to show all I got in the real tournament and try to push my limit and do my best in the class. Sometimes I'm in 90% category, but I'm also in that 10% other times.

Anonymous said...

I agree, because sometimes we have lack of motivation, and that brings us down to reaching a goal. I would say that now I'm in the 90% because I've been lacking in sports and all kinds even education right now, but to fix that I would need to remind myself how will I succeed, because there are steps I need to encounter and those are really hard to do but motivation helps to get rid of the lack and adds in a remembrance of why you wanted it in the first place.
-Cornelius Waiman

Anonymous said...

The essay means a lot to me. It means that just trying to get by on what your supposed to do is not enough. You need to push yourself to the limit in order to be your most sucessful. Sometimes we all dont try our hardest during games during class. Sometimes you dont have the motive insid eof you to give it your all but you have to find it in order to succeed. I feel i am in the 90% category because most of the time i do not try my hardest in games.

Jason Korolkoff

Anonymous said...

Mona Abutaleb
I definitely agree with this essay. There are many times when i don't push my self to be the best i could possibly be, but there are also many times that i strive to be the best at what I'm doing. I think I'm in the 90% category right now because I haven't started my soccer season yet and basketball ended recently, but during both seasons i try to be in the 10% category to make myself as good, and better than others.

sunny .s said...

i agree with this article because i beleive that many people do have potential to succeed but sometimes do not try there hardest to get there, rather, just barely getting past the harder things in life. i would say that i am in the 90% because i know i have potential, but i also know that i dont give it my all.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with this essay because most people don't try hard enough to reach their true capabilities. I think I fall under both categories because I push myself at times but at others I don't
-Tommy Auchincloss

Anonymous said...

I agree that most people are ok with just being mediocre, but i believe more people push themselves in one aspect, but fail in others. I believe I try to be great but I do not have the resolve to finish the task.

Ethan Core

Anonymous said...

I agree with this essay for the most part. I believe this essay applies greatly to my life, especially with my church basketball team. Somedays I feel lazy and don't want to do the drill at 100% because I already know it, but I always write the words "Improve and get better" on my hand to remind myself that the drill still helps. There are times when I fall into he 90% category, but when something important to me comes up, I immediately become part of the 10%. I guess it really comes down to how high up on the list your goal is and how well you prioritize yourself.
-Chris Chan

Anonymous said...

i agree with his philosiphy
i'm a hard worker and in most things i do especially football and training i got 100% and in that case i would fall into the 10% inmost things i do
i mostly take pride in my work and i think its a shame how kids with talent dont work hard

Anonymous said...

I agree with this essay because I think I am part of the 90% because I only force my self when it's an important game otherwise I just sit back relax and watch the show. So what I learned was that I need to force my self and challenge myself to improve and be the best I can be.

Naveen P.

Anonymous said...

I agree because most lack the inspiration needed to excel. It is not needed for survival so most choose to just ignore it. It also stresses a person to be pushed to limit; another reason why people choose not to do it. I would fall into the 90% category for I have lost my motivation to excel in my physical capabilities.
David Nguyen

Anonymous said...

i strongly agree with the essay that not all people put in hard work, what i disagree on is the percentage. i think its 97% of the population that remain mediocre while 3% actually want to get better. i sometimes fall into that 3% but usually im in with the rest of the 97%. even though i usually have 2 practices a day sometimes 3, some might say thats hard work but only if you i give it my all every practice. usually i cant give myself that self determination and motivation but i do have those weeks that the only thing i want to do is get better. this article made me realize that, that small 3% does not include the 1% who work hard every single day, all the time. that 1% is the Michael Jordans, and Kobe Bryants of the world. and if i can be in that 1% then theres no limit, and thats the same with everyone, no matter what they are doing.

Richard Hum
7th period

Anonymous said...

I agree with the essay because I see a lot of people not trying when they could be really good. I think that I am mostly in the 90% because all I do is shoot threes and not really focus and working on my game.

Sergio Salcido
Period 7

Anonymous said...

I agree with the essay, because society these days choose to not live to their full potential as far as what they are capable of. They worry more about how talented they are at their certain activity, rather than working hard and trying to improve at greater.

Jose Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

I agree with this essay in that we all have
the potential to do something, but not the motivation to want/be able to do it. I believe I fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum because I feel that I have potential, but not always the motivation to accomplish it.
-Sam Berman

Anonymous said...

I agree with this article, because i know alot of people really dont live to their full perential , and just "get by". I'd put myself in the 65 percent for various reasons.

Eric Nwosu

Anonymous said...

i agree with the article. i feel like most people dont work as hard as they can becasue they depend on talent rather then effort. i think i am in in the 50% range because i feel like i dont work as hard as i could

-Alex Marks

Anonymous said...

I agree because I see people that do not work hard but have potential. They are just comfortable with giving the least amount of effort. I believe I am about 50% because I know I have potential but I don't try hard enough - Keeya Dezfoli

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with this essay. People need to picture themselves at the top, where they should want to be. And they need to let that be to motivation to achieve success. I'd put myself in that 90%...because I don't set goals for myself. If I had goals I would have to work hard to achieve them. And I would understand how failure feels and I would feel that until success is reached

Asher Thompson-Cohen

Anonymous said...

i agree with this essay it has showed me how I should push myself to become better than average. I think i am a little better than the 90% but i have room to push myself more

-jordy bretner

Anonymous said...


I agree with the essay, that too often people are content with being mediocre. I'd consider myself in the 10% tile because i try my best to put everything i have in everyrthing i do

Anonymous said...

Malia Bright
I agree with the article because the 90 percent category Shows That everyone should have a good fitness.

Chris Papadopoulos said...

I agree completely with this article because too many people today are content with who they are and are too lazy to go for "greatness." I think now, with baseball, im in the 90% category, because I've been kind of lazy and don't care as much. With football, I think i was part of the 10% and really tried to maximize my potential.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this article. most people don't work hard to reach their potentional. mist people settle. I think I could work harder to reach my ful potential
kaitlin klausing