Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Period 3 Advanced Basketball

Due Date: Wednesday, April 11th

For this weeks post I want to get more philosophical. Read the essay below, it was written by a guy named Blair Morrison and touches on the question of; are you pushing yourself or just getting by? You can find more of his essays here.

For this weeks blog. First, tell me what the essay means to you. Do you agree or disagree? You can include where you think you fall in his 90% to 10% example and/or examples of what you do that place you in that category.

Fitness Is...


Everybody has it. Few reach it.

It’s easy to assume that people despise mediocrity because the world is littered with evidence of humanity’s desire to excel—our obsession with talent, our reverence for heroes, even our love of money. It’s easy to assume that everyone wants to be his or her physical best because everywhere there are those wishing for a better body type or a better lifestyle. They fill our virgin ears with a symphony of sincerity and aspiration, but listen closer. They clamor with empty voices.

The truth is that 90% of people just want to get by. We pretend our ultimate goal is to be the best version of ourselves, reading the right literature, quoting the right sources, joining the right gyms; but the reality is far less compelling. If we are truly honest we will admit that the level to which we might possibly rise is rarely our chief concern. More important is reaching the level where we can merely survive or, at the very least, mock survival. Getting there is much easier. Getting there requires less time, less pain, and less effort. Getting there is too often there enough.

I was speaking with my father the other day about a friend of ours whose son wanted to be a college football player. He had good size and natural talent, but he was a little slow and lacked the explosive quality most big programs look for in an athlete. One evening while having dinner with this family my dad suggested that the kid hang a bell at the top of the hill abutting their property and ring it every morning before going to school. Not only would sprinting up the hill begin to build the explosive power needed for speed and acceleration but the sound of the bell would become a symbol of his dedication to the goal. I wish I could say the kid went out and rang that bell every day, or committed himself to some other program in its place, but this isn’t that kind of story. He, like many others like him, chose instead to remain a card-carrying member of that mediocre 90%.

Why? Because greatness is HARD. Our bodies don’t care about potential. They were built to survive, not to excel, and survival has gotten pretty easy as of late. Our bodies don’t know that by being stronger and faster and leaner the likelihood of illness, disease, and injury drop dramatically. Our bodies only know that it hurts like hell getting there. It takes supreme physical and mental fortitude and an unflinching, genuine ambition to overcome these hurdles. Most of us lack this and it shows.

In this story his ability wasn’t being measured against theirs or any others, only against his own potential as an individual. He claimed that he wanted to be the best that he could be, to give himself the best chance to be a college football player. But when faced with the reality of what it would take to reach that goal he balked, exposing his ambitions as half-hearted and insincere, and his athletic future to be one ridden along the tired road to the middle. This is an all too common tragedy.

After hearing this story, I sat for a minute and observed my father. He was visibly disappointed by the kid’s inability to commit himself to his goal. Yet I knew for a fact that my dad had wanted to lose weight for years and failed to commit himself to doing so in much the same way. This struck me as a prevailing irony, not just in this conversation but in our culture in general, so I decided to ask him when was the last time he “rang the bell.” He was lost for a second, then smiled wryly as he got my meaning. “Too long,” he replied.

Sadly, it seems that our praise of greatness and our distaste for mediocrity is an appreciation and expectation reserved for others. We expect Jordan or Tiger or Ronaldo to reach their potential every time they compete and we shake our heads when they fall short. But we shrug off our love handles and that occasional chocolate cake as acceptable losses. We cry for the children growing up without physical opportunities, yet lie on the couch and amicably waste ours away. We claim we’re too old, too fat, too injured, or too tired. The truth is we’re too obsessed with getting by.

The good news is that physical potential does not expire. It has no shelf life. Whatever state you’re in at whatever moment, you can always be better. SO BE BETTER. Too often people try to do this by setting a number to hit, a person to beat, or a mirror to impress, implicitly attaching a finite quality to the process. This focus is flawed. As you change and improve, so too should your potential grow and your ambition swell. Remember that fitness is a goal inadvertently attained through the systematic overestimation of yourself in all fields. It’s a byproduct of setting the bar too high, of striving for perfection and falling just short. It’s knowing that you’ll never get there but trying your damndest nonetheless. It’s constantly pushing your limits in every direction regardless of your skill. It’s finding a way to keep ringing the bell.


Anonymous said...

I agree that 90% of people just do fitness to get by or fit in. I am one of the 90% kind of because being fit isn't really my biggest concern right now, there are more things to be ambitious about. I can be ambitious but just not for athletics.

Kevin Mittelman

Anonymous said...


This essay requires to rethink the amount of effort we put into aiming higher and what the "higher" actually means to us. It questions how hard we try and why we try hard when we do. I agree that most people just want to get by...that's how the body is made. I think I fall in the 10% category but when I have nothing at stake, like in 3rd period basketball where people expect to win without trying, then I drift back to the 90%: I give minimal because that's what everybody else is doing. It's one thing to try then sweat so much and get support from teammates, its a whole different story when you try and sweat so much AND you lose and your teammates are totally fine with it. On a personal level im a 10% person...


Anonymous said...

I agree that 90% of people don't put in a full effort to reach their potential, I think that in most cases I fall in the 10% category because I always want to do as well as I can and I don't want to lose, however, there are times when the people around me aren't going as hard as they can so I end up doing the same.

-Jason Friedman, pd. 3

Anonymous said...

Sheri Addison

I think I fit in with the 90% category because I want to fit in . I try hard in everything . In basketball class i try hard even though it is in school but it is still part of the class . Sometimes I feel like I am in the 10% category because I dont always try and soemthimes just give up and also I dont exercise or stretch .
Mrs.Dyer i dont understand the question

Anonymous said...

Sheri Addison

I think I fit in with the 90% category because I want to fit in . I try hard in everything . In basketball class i try hard even though it is in school but it is still part of the class . Sometimes I feel like I am in the 10% category because I dont always try and soemthimes just give up and also I dont exercise or stretch .
Mrs.Dyer i dont understand the question

Anonymous said...

i think i am part of the 10% once i start working but I'm part of the 90% when it comes to actually motivating myself to go workout everyday outside of basketball workouts. Once i start working out i do extra things and get in extra reps but when I'm sitting around not doing anything i don't get up to go run a mile or go lift.
-Justin Quam

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with Morrison and his insight. Most, if not all the people on this earth strive to just get by. This essay is about human nature and it's flaws, and that means something to me. I for one fall into that 90% in many ways, especially in school sometimes by not handing in my best work because I know my grade won't be affected etc. But every person falls into that 10% at some in their lives, just not all the time.

-Paul Trinh

Anonymous said...

Morrison's statement is correct. It is true that 90% of people just barely make it or like to fit in and 10% try. I fall in the 90% because I do try but there's always room to improve when involving atheletics.

-Austin Shin

Tfen03 said...

I dont agree that 90% of people just exercise to get by those people are trying to accomplish something it might not be to get buff but their is something that they are trying to accomplished.
I am not apart of that 90% because I don't exercise very much and when I do its just to make my father happy.

Tyler Thomas-Fenderson

Philip Chang said...

I agree that most of the people just being lazy and don't push themselves to become better, not only in the athletic field but also in the other fields.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what he says about the 90% of people. I think I would be in the 90% when i dont try but can be in the 10% sometimes for fitness depending on what it is.
Dani batlle

Anonymous said...

I agree most people are only concerned with getting by, which is why i place myself in the 90% because I'm not extremely concerned with being in the 10% who desire peak fitness.

-Jonny Maa

Anonymous said...

This essay makes us think that achieving greatness is hard and its meant to be hard. I agree with the 90% because our body wants to go through everything in a easier way. Its how our body and mind works. Personally i think i fall into the 90%. I do want to get by everything the easier way instead of doing it the harder way

Varun Ganti

Anonymous said...

This essay makes us think that achieving greatness is hard and its meant to be hard. I agree with the 90% because our body wants to go through everything in a easier way. Its how our body and mind works. Personally i think i fall into the 90%. I do want to get by everything the easier way instead of doing it the harder way

Varun Ganti

Anonymous said...

I agree that there's always room for improvement. I believe I am in the 90% because though there's still room for improvement, I don't really try to hard to improve. I just play basketball for fun just to play and I'm fine with the level that I'm at. After reading this I guess what's important is that again, there's always room for improvement and there's no max. So try your best to improve all the time.


Anonymous said...

I agree with what Blair Morrison says in his essay. I believe that those who live in that 10% have a hard life. It is hard to excel and push yourself to succeed in greater accomplishments than normal. I think I am in the 90% category mainly because i am a very lazy person. I procrastinate a lot and don't try to excel in many obstacles that are put infront of me.

Alon Aliverdi

Anonymous said...

What this essay means to me is that people want to be the best they can but don't want to do the work the will allow them to be the best they can. I agree with that message. I am missing that 10% by just a little. I will push myself to get better but there are a few times when I just want to sit on the couch, eat, and relax.


Anonymous said...

This essay makes think about how much effort we put in to becoming better at anything, especially getting fit. I agree that the majority of people just do enough to get by. I think I'm with the 90% because and am happy with where I am and do not strive to try and improve myself all the time
- Robby Severynse

Anonymous said...

I agree that most people work out just because they have to or to fit in. I am one of those people. I would say I am already a pretty physically fit person so fitness is not my main concern right now. At this point I am not aiming to be more fit, but I am just trying to get by.

Anonymous said...

Alec Epstein

Anonymous said...

I would put myself in the 10 percent category in athletics. I am never okay being second best and strive to be at the top.

- Diontae Wilson

Anonymous said...

This essay provides us with a bit of harsh reality that affect us for a brief amount of time and is soon forgotten. It barley scratches the surface of human nature and what drives us to reach the distances we are willing to strive to. As of now, i would place myself in the 90% category because i have yet to prove myself ambitious through the little i have experienced. i may, as well as many others, be faced with something that will test my will to achieve greatness. My current environment and societal influence hasn't provided for much motivation. Although individual initiative does factor in, there are many other things that contribute to shining a clearer light on how resilient an individual is.

Filip Zuber

Anonymous said...

This essay basically tells readers to think back to when they were working out and if they were giving it their all. I fall into the 10% category sometimes because I don't need to try when no one else is going to try with me. Other times when there is good competition, it makes me work harder because then I know that I need to be at my best.


Patrick Grant said...

I totally agree with him about the 90% just getting by. They aren't working to prove it to themselves, but rather to satisfy others expectations. I would say i fit in the 10% if i am doing a sport that i love, but other than, i'd be in the 90%.

Anonymous said...

Kyle Weissenburger. I agree with everything that he says. The majority of the population doesn't put in 100% effort into eveything they do. That is whats wrong with society.. How can we be effective athletes and employees if we don't work our hardest. I tend to work hard when it counts. I should begin to work hard all the time because habits of laziness are hard to get rid of.

Anonymous said...

The essay relates to class because a lot of the time in class people slack off and don't go through the drills. I agree with the essay because success isn't easy and that is the reason why many people do not achieve it. If success was easy then everyone would be successful but in order to achieve goals, hard work must be put in first which many people aren't willing to do. I would say that I need to try harder in gym because I don't always put in top effort for our class.

-Matt Saltzman

Anonymous said...

although 90% of people are fit and atletic there is nothing in the world that can motivate alot of them. it is unfoutunate to see all these althelic kids through their skill away because they are too proud. sometimes i dont work as hard as i can because i am very lazy but on the other hand there are times where i work very hard.

Anonymous said...

I agree that 90% don't give their full effort because they want the easy way out. I think I fall in the 10% category most of the time because I like to be competitive and I don't like losing. However, in some cases I fall in the 90% like during 3rd period basketball. This is because people around me slack so I might as well too.

Nikos Tragotsis

Anonymous said...

i agree that 90 percent just wants to get by. i think im a bit of both because sometimes when im tired or in a bad mood im only going hard enough to get by but when im energetic or people around me try hard it would influence me aswell.

-clement zhang