In class we are just starting our 3 on 3 unit. A critical part of ths unit is going to be setting screens and reading the defense. Please watch the video below and answer the following questions. Each question is worth 2 points. Please make sure to write your name on your Blog.
2. What are 3 things the offensive player can do when they are being screened?
3. When should you curl off of a screen?
4. What is the most important thing to do when coming off a screen?
5. How frequently is your team using screens during your game play? Have they been effective for your team?
2-back door, curl, bump
3-if the defender follows him
4-read the defense
5-yes my team dose alot of screen so we can help open up shots its most important to our shooting style of offense
Mike Collins
1. area
2. backdoor, curl, bump
3. grab the persons hip
4. read the defense
5. I didn't do it during the two on two games, but when we were playing after that I set screens for some people so they could drive through
Patrick Chen
1.You set it on an area.
2.Create a back door, curl, or bump.
3.When you fake a screen.
4.Make sure you grab the defenders hip.
5.We don't use it as much because we don't think its that effective.
1. area
2. -back door
3. when the defender follows the other offensive player
4. read the defense
5. my team does it every once in awhile and it is very affective
-Shannon Welty
Michael Palizkar
1. You screen an area.
2. Back door, run a curl, run a bump.
3. When the defender follows him.
4. Grab the screener's hip.
5. We use them all the time and they are almost always effective. area
2.go around,pass the ball,shoot at will
3.when moving pick
4.going strait to the rim or passing it
5.yes its very helpful
Steven Zou
1.Screen an area
2.Back door, Curl, Bump
3.When your defender follows you
4.Read the defense
5. No since we are a athletic team that can get past our defenders
1. When you set a screen, do you set the screen on a person or an area?- You set a screen on an area.
2. What are 3 things the offensive player can do when they are being screened?- You can roll off juke it out, or step around it.
3. When should you curl off of a screen?- When the defender is closed out and the pass is ready.
4. What is the most important thing to do when coming off a screen? Call for the ball.
5. How frequently is your team using screens during your game play? Have they been effective for your team? We are not using them, although we should.
Caleb Zweig
1. Area
2. Back door, curl, or bump
3. When the defender follows you
4. Make sure you have the three choices opened up to you, and read the defender
5. We have used screens often. Mostly, it has been effective for our team.
Roy Ke
1. Area
2. Back door, curl, or bump
3. When the defender follows you
4. Make sure you have the three choices opened up to you, and read the defender
5. We have used screens often. Mostly, it has been effective for our team.
Roy Ke
Solomon Sapiro
1) Area
2) Back Door, Curl (jump shot/ lay up), Bump
3) When the defender follows you
4) Read the defense
5) Not very often, but when we do use them it is effective
1. On a person
2.Go around, fight through it, or switch with a teamate
3.After the man you are screen has passed
4.Look for the ball
5.We have not used screens much, but when we have they have been very effective.
-Zach Smith
1. you screen an area can back door cut, curl,or you can bump should curl off the screen when you get bumped post up team never used a screen before but they are effective
Sidney m
Zach de Leon Period 3
1. An area
2. Back door, Curl, Bump
3. When the defender follows you
4. Read the defense
5. We never use screens and we probably should
1) an area
2) they can go back door, curl hard and make a jump shot/ lay up or they could bump out
3) you should curl off a screen when the defense is guarding you closely
4) the most important thing to do is to read the defense
5) my team has not been using screens during game play
Ben Murk
You set the screen on an area.
they can cut, pass to the screener, or pass to the other player
after the other player is past the defender
get past the defender
we are not using them often enough, we need to utilize them more to get to the rim.
1.Screen an area
2.Back door, Curl, Bump
3.When your defender follows you
4.Read the defense
5. Yes, we use them and they are effective because they help us score more often.
-Adam Dawood
2.make back door, curl, or bump.
3.If the defender follows the offense team mate.
4.Read the defender.
5.Our team do not use them but if we do, it will be effective.
Daniel Seo
1)screen an area
3)when the defender follows you
4)read the defense
5)We use them a little to help set up a drive and it's efficient
-wyatt copeland
2-back door, curl, bump
3-if the defender follows you
4-read the defense
5-yes my team dose screens when needed
Nick Jordan
1. An area
2. Backdoor, curl, or bump
3. When the defender follows the offensive player.
4. Read the defense
5. Quite often; very effective in producing scoring opportunities.
-John Auchincloss
2.Back door, Curl, Bump
3.When the defender follows you
4.Read the defense
5.Yes, sometimes because it gets us open
Mattin Gharagozloo
1. area
2. back door
3. when the defender is following you
4. read the defense
5. my team sets a lot of screens so the other teammate has a clear shot and or drive
Myles Frost
2-back door, curl, bump
3- grab the persons hip
4-read the defense
5)I did set some screens except i couldn't read when someone else sets a screen
-Michael Lin
1. Area
2. Backdoor curl & bump
3. When the defender starts to defend you . the defense
5. We don't use them that often but they help to clear space for the shooter
- Kaylin
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