Thursday, March 13, 2014

Perod 6- Team Games

Due Date: Wednesday, March 26th
We are getting ready to start volleyball games in our class, it is important each teams understands how to rotate properly. Please watch the video below and answer the following questions. Please make sure to put your name on the blog.

1. When does a team rotate in volleyball?

2. When should a team not rotate?

3. How many players on a team should be on a court at one time?

4. When a team rotates, which way should they move?

5. Hoe many players should be in the front and how many should be in the back?


Anonymous said...

1. A team rotates when they win a rally after receiving a serve.
2. A team shouldn't rotate when they win a rally if they are the serving team
3. 6 players play on the court.
4. A team should rotate clockwise
5. There should be 3 players in the front and 3 players in the back.
-Afroditi Katsigiannakis

Anonymous said...

-When they win a rally after receiving the serve
-If they win the rally and they are the team that served
-3 in front and 3 in back

Jake Dunlop

Unknown said...

1. you rotate right after Your team wins a point. But only if the other team was serving the point that you won.
2. When you win a point but you retain the serve
3. 4 players
4. Clockwise
5. 2 in front, 2 in back
Aditya Iyengar

Matthew Ko said...

1. When they win a rally when they receive the ball.
2. When they are serving the ball.
3. 6
4. Clockwise
5. Three in the front, Three in the back.

Anonymous said...

1.When their team scores on the other team's serve

2. When they lose a point or get a point on their serve



5.3 in front, 2 in back, 1 in the middle

David Jordan

Unknown said...

Ben Shapiro

1. When they win a rally after receiving a serve.
2. If they win a rally when they are serving.
3. 6 players
4. Clockwise
5. 3 in the front and 3 in the back

Anonymous said...

1. Right after you team wins the
point and the other team had served

2. if they won the rally and served

3. 6 players


5. 3 in the front and 3 in the back row only
Lucas Balangero

Anonymous said...

when a team wins a rally
when they win the rally and did serve the ball
3 snd 3
ethan kim

Anonymous said...

1. you rotate right after YOUR team wins a point. But only if the other team was serving the point that you won.

2. they should not rotate if your team keeps on scoring points.

3. 6


5. 3 front 3 back

-Diego Arana

Anonymous said...

1. The non-serving team wins the rally

2.They do not rally if they are the serving team



5.3 in front, 3 in the back

David Jordan

Anonymous said...

You rotate right after your team wins a point.

When you lose a point.

Six players on each team.


Three in frount 3 in back.

~Jacob Moshel~

Pedrum Aidun said...

1. Once they won a rally that the other team served
2. If the win but they were already serving
3. 6 players
4. one space clockwise
5. 3 in front, 3 in back.

Anonymous said...

1.)When they win the rally after receiving a serve.
2.)If they're the team that served the ball.
5.)Three players in the front row and three in the back row.
Ronan Tocci/P.6

Anonymous said...

1. When does a team rotate in volleyball?
when they win a rally after recieving the serve

2. When should a team not rotate?
do not rotate if the team wins the rally but are the team that served

3. How many players on a team should be on a court at one time?
6 players

4. When a team rotates, which way should they move?
they move clockwise

5. Hoe many players should be in the front and how many should be in the back?
3 players in front and 3 in the back at all times

- James Tully

Anonymous said...

1- After a team wins the rally and the opposite team was serving
2- A team doesn't rotate if they win the rally, but they where serving
3- 6 players are on the court at once
4- Players rotate clockwise
5- There are 3 players in the back and 3 players in the front at all times

Alexis Ezcurra

Anonymous said...

1.) After scoring a point off the other team's serve

2.) Every point, after losing a point when they were the serving team

3.) 6

4.) Clockwise

5.) 3 and 3

Sam Feitel

Anonymous said...

1.) you rotate right after YOUR team wins a point. But only if the other team was serving the point that you won.
2.)when the serving team scores a point
5.)3 in front 3 in back

~~~Thomas Johnston~~~

Unknown said...

1. once they get the ball back
2. when they lose a point or retain possession
3. 5
4. clockwise
Aditya Iyengar

Anonymous said...

1. After they score during a rally
2. When they score during a rally if they were the serving team
3. 6
4. Clockwise
5. 3 in the front, 3 in the back

Chris Previti

Anonymous said...

1.Rotate after a team wins the point back in a rally
2.shouldnt rotate if the team who served won the point
5.3 in front, 3 in back
varun Iyer pd6

Anonymous said...

1. you rotate right after YOUR team wins a point. But only if the other team was serving the point that you won.

2. they should not rotate if your team keeps on scoring points.

3. 6


5. 3 front 3 back

Javier Arana