Thursday, February 25, 2016

Period 6- Basketball

Due Date: Wednesday, March 9th

I am a huge college basketball fan, but I am aware that many of you like to watch NBA more.  So this week's blog is about Stephen Curry and his work ethic.  Please watch the video and answer the questions that follow.  Please remember to put your name on the Blog.

1. What made Stephen Curry the most impressive player at camp?

2.  How was Stephen Curry meticulous?

3.  How many free throws in a row does he have to swish before leaving the gym?

4.  Where did Stephen Curry go to college?

5. Do you believe success is an accident or do you think it occurs through hard work? Why?


griffin said...

1. was putting up shots while everyone else was still in flip flops
2. Curry made sure footwork, shooting form, etc were perfect during drills
3. 5 free throws in a row
4. Davidson
5.success comes through hardwork, you must get better in order to succeed

Anonymous said...

1.His work ethic and how he practiced.
2.He made sure his foot work and form was food on every drill.
3.He had to swish 5 free throws.
4.He went to davidson.
5.It has to go with hard work with a little bit of natural talent. IF you don't work hard you
will not be able to things very easily.
(Prajit Dharmavaratha pd.6)

Anonymous said...

Devesh Agarwal Pd. 6
1. Work Ethics
2. Great Footwork
3. 5
4. Davidson college
5. Yea because through practice you get better.

Anonymous said...

1.) He had very good work ethic, he would show up earlier than everyone else to shoot around
2.) He always tried get his foot work perfect
3.) He had to swish 5 in a row
4.) Davidson
5.) Hard work, nobody can become that great on accident.
Harish Chinnasamy

Anonymous said...

1. What made Stephen Curry the most impressive player at camp was his work habits.

2. Stephen Curry was meticulous by making sure he had perfect footwork, shooting form, and if he did anything and it wasn't perfect he'd do it over again.

3. He has to swish 5 free throws in a row before leaving the gym.

4. Stephen Curry went to college at Davidson.

5. I believe success occurs through hard work because success didn't come to Stephen Curry or anyone by accident it came through hard work.

- Alexander Velasquez

Anonymous said...

1.His work ethics
2.He made sure he did everything perfect and if he did not do anything perfect, he would do it again
5.It occurs through hard work because if you put in the work, it will pay out later on

-Justin Nguyen

Anonymous said...

1. His work habits made him the most impressive player at camp.
2. He made sure he had perfect footwork, perfect shooting form, and anything that wasn't perfect.
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson
5. Success is not a accident but a choice through hard work.

-Alex Kuang

Anonymous said...

1. workethic
2. He did everything right from his form to footwork
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. Hard work, you have to work hard to get to where you want to be

Thomas Nguyen

Anonymous said...

Seif Younis

1. Stephen Curry was the most impressive player at camp because of his work habits. He would persistently practice his free-throwing shots, even before the actual workout began.

2. Curry was meticulous in a few ways. He made sure that he had perfect footwork and shooting form. If anything he did wasn't perfect, he would do it over.

3. He has to swish 5 free throws in a row before leaving the gym.

4. He went to college at Davidson College.

5. I think success occurs through hard work. If one ever hopes to achieve something in life, the reward will not come easily. Success will come only to those who are willing to put in a large amount of effort to achieve it. It is also a much more definitive method, because any chance for success by accident would be incredibly slim.

Anonymous said...

1. He was at the gym putting up shots 30+ minutes prior to the workouts.

2. He made sure he had all of his footwork down, and corrected himself if he did it wrong without a coach to tell him.

3. 5 free throws in a row

4. Davidson

Brett Rudden

Anonymous said...

Julian Levin Pd. 6 3-8-16

1. He had the best work ethic.
2. If he did something wrong, he would do it again and again until he got it right, he would be working out before the workouts on game skills to keep on improving.
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson
5. I believe it occurs through hard work. One can achieve whatever they set their mind to. If you want to succeed and are willing to put in the work, you will succeed.

Unknown said...

1. Work ethic
2. He made sure he did everything to the best of his ability
3. 5
5.i think success comes though hard work because if u look at any sport there were kids born with talent and then there were the kids born with talent who took to the next level through training.

Anonymous said...

1. His work ethic and dedication

2. Shooting form and footwork

3. 5

4. Davidson

6. Yes, you have to work hard no matter what it is to achieve your goals

Nick Bien

Anonymous said...

1. Work ethic
2. He want to did everything perfect
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. Hard work, he work more, he practice more than he can get success
Bruce Chen

Anonymous said...

1. Work ethic
2. Corrected himself and footwork
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson
5. Hard work. Professional talent comes natural to nobody.
Jonathan London

Anonymous said...

1. He worked the hardest
2. He wanted perfect form and footwork
3. Five
4. Davidson
5. To be successful at a pro level you have to work incredibly hard.

Tai Metzger

Anonymous said...

1.Work ethic
2.He works hard and do everything perfect.
5.I think it occurs through hard work. Many successful person said that.
Yuchen Li

Anonymous said...

1. His work ethic and dedication
2. Shooting form and footwork
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. Yes, you have to work hard no matter what it is to achieve your goals
Mark Gottfried

Anonymous said...

1. Work ethic
2. wanted to do everything perfectly
3. five
4. Davidson
5. You have to have a dedicated work ethic.
Amogh Rao

Anonymous said...

1.) He had very good work ethic, he would show up earlier than everyone else to shoot around
2.) He always tried get his foot work perfect
3.) He had to swish 5 in a row
4.) Davidson
5.) Hard work, nobody can become that great on accident.

-Michael Lin