Thursday, February 25, 2016

Period 3 -Basketball

Due Date: Wednesday, March 9th

I am a huge college basketball fan, but I am aware that many of you like to watch NBA more.  So this week's blog is about Stephen Curry and his work ethic.  Please watch the video and answer the questions that follow.  Please remember to put your name on the Blog.

1. What made Stephen Curry the most impressive player at camp?

2.  How was Stephen Curry meticulous?

3.  How many free throws in a row does he have to swish before leaving the gym?

4.  Where did Stephen Curry go to college?

5. Do you believe success is an accident or do you think it occurs through hard work? Why?


Unknown said...

1. Steph would be on the court before the workout started working on his shot while other kids still had their flip flops on.
2. If he didn't do something correct he would do it again until he did it right.
3. 5
4. davidson
5. the majority of the time it is through handwork but there are a few exceptions. Hardwork is needed for success because you won't be able to compete at the highest level if you don't put in the work.

john billingsley

Anonymous said...

Soorena Saneei

1. Hes work ethic and challenging him self

2. He started his warm up before everyone else and he really pushes him self to work harder.

3. He swished 5 free throws before he left practice.

4. Through hard work, you can work really hard to acheive your goal and becoming successful jn your basketball
cereer, hard work will always pay off eventually.

Anonymous said...

1. His work habits and work ethic
2. He practiced from his form to his footwork
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson
5. I believe that it comes from hard work, if you want to be successful you have to work hard and never give up no matter what
Wisdom Adekunle (the next Stephen curry)

Anonymous said...

1. His work habits made him the most impressive. He would always start working out 30 minutes before everyone else, the most dedicated player there.
2. With everyone he did, he made sure that he had perfect footwork and shooting form. When he would do something perfectly he would always keep repeating it no matter the situation.
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson College
5. Success occurs through hard work because you cannot simply be successful for no reason. Success takes time, effort and dedication to the craft you are trying to be successful in. Without all of that you cannot be successful in what you seek to be successful in.

Sean Liang

Unknown said...

1. What made Stephen Curry the most impressive player at camp?
He was already shooting before the workout started

2. How was Stephen Curry meticulous?
Wanted everything to be perfect:footwork, shooting form. If it wasn't perfect he corrected it himself

3. How many free throws in a row does he have to swish before leaving the gym?
5 in a row

4. Where did Stephen Curry go to college?

5. Do you believe success is an accident or do you think it occurs through hard work? Why?
Hard work. You can't just sit around and expect to be good. You have to work and then you will get better.

Anonymous said...

1) Kobe
2) He was determined and even though he was an underdog at the camp, he worked hard to prove himself to the other players and kobe.
3) Swish 5 free throws in a row
4) Davidson College
5) Success is not an accident, it happens through hard work and dedication to a craft, and working on that craft till it is as close as can be to perfection

Samat Borbiev

Anonymous said...

Luke Russell
1. He was ready and already warmed up before anything started.
2. He made sure his foot work was perfect, if not he did the drill again.
3. 5 in a row.
4. Davidson
5. Success come from hard work, and a little bit of talent. If we put in the work we can all succeed. For example I spent a whole summer developing my three point shot, and now I can knock them down more consistently.

Anonymous said...

Ben Blutstein
1. Showing up everyday early to shoot before the workouts
2. He redid everything that was not done perfectly
3. 5 swishes in a row
4. Davidson
5. I believe success occurs through hard work because you have to work to get better at something. If being an NBA star was easy, then everybody would be one.

Hannah Johnston said...

1. he would start working and shooting before it stared and go late after camp and keep shooting until he made 5 free throws in a row
2.he would not leave the court until he made 5 free throws in a row all swishes.
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. i think it occurs through hard work because practice makes perfect and muscle memory.

-Hannah Johnston

Anonymous said...

1. He was in the gym working on his game 30 minutes before workouts started
2. He made sure everything he did was flawless and he worked on every aspect of his game
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. Success is not an accident. You have to put in hard work if you want to get results in what you're doing

Anonymous said...

1.) His work ethic. How hard he work and was always the first person on the court.
2.)He made sure he had perfect footwork and perfect shooting form. If he did something wrong, he would do it over again.
4.)Davidson University
5.)It occurs through hard work because in order to be really good at something, you need to work really hard in order to be good at that.

Drew Shrager
Period 3

Anonymous said...

1. He would be shooting before practice while kids still had flip flops on.
2. If he didn't do it right he would do it again.
3. 5
4. davidson
5. It is not an accident because all of the most successful people work hard.
John Billingsley

Claudio Pachano said...

1. What made Stephen Curry the most impressive player at camp?

His work ethic and how much he decided to practice, when everyone was still warming up, he had already taken over hundreds of shots.

2. How was Stephen Curry meticulous?

He held himself to an extreme level of excellence where everything had to be perfect to that his shot and form became absolutely perfect.

3. How many free throws in a row does he have to swish before leaving the gym?

Five free throws

4. Where did Stephen Curry go to college?


5. Do you believe success is an accident or do you think it occurs through hard work? Why?

Success only happens from hard work, this is because hard work and dedication is what makes you good at something. The only way to become amazing at something is to practice and do it over and over again and the only way to stay determined and do that is to be dedicated and put in the work.

Anonymous said...

Young Cho
1.he was out standing and he played hard.
2. he worked really hard.
3. five
4. Davidson
5. Success occurs through hard work because hard work always pays off

Anonymous said...

Jason Li
1. his habits of showing up early and shooting and staying late to practice

2. 5 swoosh free throws in a row a day, he cared a lot about foot work and getting stuff perfect

3. 5

4. davison

5. hard work b/c the video literally just talked about it

Anonymous said...

1.)He had a strong work ethic
2.)He made sure he had perfect footwork and shooting form
5)I think success occurs with hard work because you can only get better by practicing constantly

Costa Borsas

Anonymous said...

Alex Zhang

1.He is already ready and prepared, he doesn't slack off, he keep practicing
2. He keep on doing what is imperfect until it become perfect
3. swish 5 free throws in a row
4.Davidson College
5. I believe that success occurs through hard work, because no one can succeed in everything without hard work, practice, and self determination

Unknown said...

1)Stephen Curry already started to practice thirty minutes prior to his training.He had already started shooting his game shots and broke a sweat when the training had started.The main point was he had excellent work habits.
2)Stephen Curry was meticulous as he made sure he had perfect footwork and perfect shooting \ If he didn't, he'd re-do it even if the coach didn't take note of it.
3)He'd have to make five free throws in a row before he could leave the gym.
4)Stephen Curry went to Davidson College.
5)I think success is achieved through hard work and perseverance. Anyone can be successful in life. They just have to ignite that fire within them that grinds their gears to carry them to success. Those are the principles I stand by.
Adith Maheshwari

Anonymous said...

1: Steph was the least recognized player at the camp
2: 30 minutes before the warmup, Steph would already be shooting game shots and practicing unlike others
3: 5 free throws
4: Davidson
5: I believe success is earned through hard work, because if you ask any successful athlete, they wouldn't say I accidentally found out I'm good at this sport (Except maybe Tim Duncan) and they trained countless hours to reach the posterior they are at now
Nima Kaffi

Anonymous said...

1. he was the first guy to get shoots up and he work up a sweet before players were ready to play

2 he worked hard and did everything to perfection

3 5

4 Davidson

5 i believe the way that he plays combined with hard work has changed basketball that i believe alot of it is hard work but some of it is the way that he plays is so different that if you let your guard down then there 3 points on the score bored.

Zachary Nannen

Anonymous said...

Jerry Krieger
1. He had an amazing work ethic.
2. He required that everything he did be perfect like his shooting form, or else he would do it again
3. 5 free throws
4. Davidson
5. Success definitely occurs through hard work. You could have all the talent inthe world and still won't be the best if you don't work hard.

Anonymous said...

2: 30 minutes before the warmup, Steph would already be shooting game shots and practicing unlike others
3: 5 free throws
4: Davidson
5: I believe success is earned through hard work if you ask anyone they would tell you the same thing
Egid Mills

Anonymous said...

1. He was the first guy getting shots up in the gym.
2. He made sure his form and footwork was perfect every time, otherwise he would keep correcting it.
3. 5
4. Davidson
5. Success happens through hard work because it takes repeated effort to improve in something.

-Zach Smith

Anonymous said...

1. His work this is above everyone else's and he puts in a lot of work
2. He would be out there 30 minutes before warm ups shooting
5 I believe that if you work hard you and out your mind to something you will be successful
Garrett Koch period 3

Anonymous said...

1:work ethic
2: made sure he did everything perfectly or he would redo it
3:5 free throws
5:success is earned through hard work and perseverance. You can achieve anything u it ur mind to.

-gelia yimam

Anonymous said...

1. He was a hard worker from the beginning and he was always prepared to go.
2. He practiced his form to perfection and concentrated on his footwork as well.
3.5 fts
4. Davidson
5. Success happens through hard work. Because a consistent effort will lead to progress.
Nick John pe.3

Unknown said...

1. He was a hard worker and always early to practices
2. He was sure to have everything perfect, or work until everything was perfect
3. 5
4. davidson
5. Hard work leads to success.
Eric Liu