Thursday, December 12, 2013

Period 2- Basketball

Due Date: Tuesday, January 7thIt has been a great semester in all of my classes.

For your final blog I want to know how I can be a better teacher. Please answer the following questions for your final blog.
1. What did you like most about the class?
2. What did you like least about the class?
3. How did you like the use of the blog in class?
4. What would you change to make your experience in physical education better?
5. Will you take a physical education class again?

Your response will have no implications for your final grade other than if you fail to do it, so please be honest as your responses help form what we do in the future. It has been a pleasure working with each of you this past semester. Stop in and say hi when your travels bring you by the gym.


Unknown said...

Liam Bezzam -
1. I liked that we got to play play games. It was good practice for all of us.
2. I do not like the 3- minute drill that we are doing now
3. It made you show how much we know about basketball
4. I would change nothing
5. Yes because I would like to have an easy class

Anonymous said...

1. playing basketball
2. drills
3. didnt really like it, rather do paper hw
4. nothing, my experience is good.
5. yes.
-Clement Zhang

Anonymous said...

1.) what I liked the most was being able to warm up with your friends and a fun environment to play bball in.
2.) what I liked the least was the warm up being too long taking away our time to actually play.
3.) it kept us active on what we were learning in class like moves and rules
4. Less talking more playing
-Javier arana

Anonymous said...

Noah Taylor pd.2
1. The best thing about this class was the warm-ups.
2. The worst thing about this class was having to wait so long until we actually started.
3. The blog helped me learn more about basketball and how to do things right
4. If I had to change something it would be to do more running around the activities aren't that hard but need to be to challenge us so we can get more fit
5. I will most likely be taking a physical education class one more time in my high school career.

Anonymous said...

Rojin Ebrahimi
1)the most thing i like about this class is how energetic and fun it is,and you actually enjoy the hour or less that you spend there each and every day.
2)everything is perfect yet i wish we could have free friday more often =).
3)i like the blogs because when its a video you get to see how the moves are supposed to be performed correctly,and like this one we get to share our thoughts about the class.
4)i would like to work harder to improve so i can be better at sports so i dont just learn but i
5)yes,i enjoyed this class so much and might take it again next semester.

Anonymous said...

1. What did you like most about the class?

Its fun and there is exercise without making me completely sweaty.

2. What did you like least about the class?

Nothing really, sometimes the air vents make it cold.

3. How did you like the use of the blog in class?

It was a fun, easy, and good way to make sure we know the info we need to.

4. What would you change to make your experience in physical education better?

Nothing....that I know of sorry.
5. Will you take a physical education class again?

yes, If my mom lets me switch out of yoga!

-Meghan Wright

Unknown said...

1.playing basketball

Anonymous said...

Sophia Hussein
1)my favorite part of class was free Fridays
2)the one on one unit
3) the videos on the blogs were helpful and informative
4)I think there should be more time for teams to practice together and make a strategy before and after games.
5)If i have space in my schedule i would definitely take it again

Anonymous said...

1.) what i liked most about the class was the games that we got to play.
2.) the thing i liked least about the lass was probably the warm ups.
3.) i liked that the blog had to do with what we were doing in class.
4.) i would try harder in the games
5.) yes

Sawyer hazel pd 2

Anonymous said...

Jeff Revinzon

1. free Friday

2. Warmups

3. Its alright, its not very convenient though that you cant do it on a mobile device.

4. I would say more playing time, the transitions ans warmups were quite long.

5. Yeah I'm taking it again next semester.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Vondas

1. 5 on 5
2. drills
3. the blog was okay
4. nothing
5. yes

Anonymous said...

1. I liked playing 3on3 the best.
2. there wasnt anything i didnt like.
3. The blogs were alright, but i'd rather not do them!
4. I wouldnt change anything, your teaching of the class is great.
5. maybe, im a senior and want to have a half day schedule.

Noah Kimball

Anonymous said...

1. Playing games
2. I liked everyhing
3. I liked it, i learned more about the game
4. Nothing
5. yes
radley pd2

Anonymous said...

1. everything
2. i liked everything
3. i hated the blogs
4. nothing
5. yes
-nick jordan

Anonymous said...

phillip garrett
basketball everyday
everything but the warmups

Anonymous said...

1. i liked being able to play games rather than drills the whole time
2. i did not like the drills that we did
3. the blogs were fine, they were easy to find and complete
4. nothing, i think the class is fine how it is
5. yes, because it is an easy and fun way to earn a good grade

Ben Murk

Anonymous said...

1. I liked that we got to play play games and 3 on 3
2. I do not like the 3- minute drill that we are doing now
3. It made you show if we actually understood what we were doing
4. I would change nothing
5. Yes because I would like to have an easy class
By- Michael kolodin

Anonymous said...

1) I liked the amount of playing time we got. It helped me realize how much I like basketball
2) I didn't like how long it takes to start the class sometimes because of people talking and whatnot.
3) I liked the blogs. They are always straightforward and easy to access.
4) I wouldn't change anything about physical education itself. Maybe some more work on shooting because that's what I struggle with the most personally and don't get enough shots in during a class period.
5) I am taking PE next semester so I can graduate, but otherwise I wouldn't take up a whole class period every day with a PE class. I'd rather have no class at all.
-Mitchell Johnson

Anonymous said...

1. Liked how we got to play games, learned new basketball moves.
2. Drills, sometimes time consuming.
3. It's alright, just shows if you're paying attention in class.
4. Nothing.
5. Yes.

Alex Kuang

Anonymous said...

1. I liked 3 on 3
2. I liked everyhing
3. I liked it, i learned more about the game
4. Nothing
5. yes
Michael Kolodin

Anonymous said...

1. I liked how we just played every day that was good practice and was really chill.
2. I didnt like when we had to do drills and we didnt play.
3.I dont like hw in general so the blogs werent fun
4.If we just played the whole time with no drills
5. yeah its an easy A
Drew Manca

Anonymous said...

I like playing games
Warm up boring sometimes
Nick Bien

Anonymous said...

1. what I liked the most was the games that we played
2. what I liked the least was the warm up
3. it kept us active with the rules and your knowledge on basketball
4. less warm up and more playing
5. yes
Mattin Gharagozloo

Anonymous said...

Brian Barrett

1.Getting to play basketball
2.warm ups
3.they were fine just sometimes annoying
4.less warm ups and more playing